Title I


The Title I Program was established in 1965 under President Lyndon B. Johnson. Today, The No Child Left Behind Act ensures that every child is provided with services by a highly qualified staff member. The goal of the Title I Program is to bridge the gap and to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to meet academic standards and receive a high quality education.

What does it mean to be a Title I school?

Each year, the Federal Government provides funding to states for Title I. A “Title I school” is a school with low-income students making up more than 40% of the student body. This percentage is computed based on our student population who receives free or reduced lunch. Title I funds are used to create a schoolwide program and plan to improve achievement, thereby serving ALL children in the school regardless of their income.

Title I is a federally funded program that serves students who need extra assistance with reading and math. These students are selected for Title I services based on multiple points of data which include but are not limited to: phonics assessments, mClass (reading level) scores, benchmark assessments, and End of Grade test scores. 

At SRCA, we use Title I funds to provide:

  • Professional development for teachers
  • Materials and resources for the classroom
  • Additional staff and support
  • Family engagement events
  • Updates to our classrooms and libraries
  • Update technology
  • Small group instruction
  • Curriculum materials and training


Title I Documents and Resources

School-Home Compact (Updated) - English

School-Home Compact (Updated) - Spanish

Family Engagement Policy - English

Family Engagement Policy - Spanish

Family Engagement Plan - English

Family Engagement Plan - Spanish 

Parents Right to Know Letter - English

Parents Right to Know Letter - Spanish

Annual Title I Meeting Agenda - Fall 2023

Title I Committee Meeting Presentation - 9/12/23

Annual Title I Meeting Presentation - Fall 2023

Annual Title I Spending Meeting Presentation 2022/2023


TESTING TRANSPARENCY NOTIFICATION: Parents have the right to request and be provided with information regarding any state or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by the state or local educational agency.  

Testing Transparency Letter

Mandated Testing Requirements

Title I Teacher & Coordinator: Brittney Zarczynski

Email: bzarczynski@shiningrock.org