Engage. Experience. Achieve.
Shining Rock Classical Academy is Haywood County’s only free public charter school. We offer a small, community-school environment and a rigorous college-preparatory education to students in grades K–12. The school embraces a knowledge-centric curriculum, evidence-based instructional practices, and experiential field work as the heart of its teaching and learning experience. We invite you to tour our school and find out why Falcons soar.
Integrity * Responsibility * Respect * Wisdom * Compassion * Leadership
It's a Great Day to Be A Falcon
Next Up at Shining Rock
SRCA Board Meeting
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SRCA Board Meeting
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SRCA Board Meeting
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Meeting ID: 819 4974 8718Passcode: wYnp8k---One tap mobile+13017158592,,81949748718#,,,,*734013# US (Washington DC)+13052241968,,81949748718#,,,,*734013# US